van der Pauw correction factor

Posted on Sun 08 January 2012 in Electronics

The van der Pauw Method is a technique commonly used to measure the Resistivity and the Hall Coefficient of a sample. A correction factor goes into calculating the resistivity as described in van der Pauw paper. A iterative method is generally used to calculate the correction factor and this correction factor is plotted in Figure 5 of van der Pauw paper

I reproduced the same figure below using fsolve function in octave.

This figure was produced by the octave code shown below.

The raw data can be downloaded from here

% This octave/matlab code calculates the correction factor,f as a function
% of Rmnop/Rnopm. This correcton factor will be used in calculation of sheet
% resistance/resistivity of thin films.

% Fore more details see the paper L. J. van der Pauw, A method of measuring
% the resistivity and hall coefficients of Lamellae of arbitrary shape,
% Philips Technical Review, Vol 26, 220.

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x =  logspace(0,3,100);

for i=1:length(x)
F(i) = fsolve(Lp,0.5);

ylabel('Correction Factor (f)')
title('van der Pauw Correction factors for resistivity measurements');