DDSCAT and electric field at plasmon resonance

Posted on Wed 26 May 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with DDSCAT, electromagnetism, Free Software, Plasmonics

Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) is an important tool in plasmonics research. Using DDA, one can calculate scattering properties of nanoparticles at various wavelengths, polarizations and surrounding medium. The specialty of DDA is that one can calculate scattering properties of irregular shape particles (particles other than spheroids). DDA is based on …

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Nmie: Extinction, Scattering and Absorption efficiencies of multilayer nanoparticles

Posted on Tue 11 May 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, Free Software,, Plasmonics, DDSCAT

nmie tool on This tool calculates the extinction, scattering, and absorption efficiencies of single nanoparticle (1 layer),core-shell nanoparticle (2 layer) and nanomatryushka nanoparticle (3 layer) using MIE formulation.

Since 2009, I have been a regular user of www.Nanohub.orgis a website that provides …

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Beamer Themes

Posted on Sun 18 April 2010 in Misc • Tagged with beamer, Free Software, Latex

One can use Beamer to make high quality presentations using Latex code. To know more about beamer and its capabilities visit hereand here.

Beamer comes with a set of default templates. However,it has capability to design new themes.

Here, I will maintain a list of beamer themes shared …

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Adding a title to colobar in Matlab

Posted on Sun 21 March 2010 in Misc • Tagged with Matlab

To insert a title to the colorbar in matlab. 

Use the following code (Source):

% Loads a data for the example 
load mandrill

% Plots an image for the example 

% Inserts a colorbar. a handle is created 

% sets the ylabel property of the handle t. 
set(get(t …

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WINSPALL software for surface plasmon resonance experiments

Posted on Wed 10 March 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, Free Software, photonics, Plasmonics

One needs to fit the reflectivity curves obtained in surface plasmon resonance experiments with theoretical models. A free software (for non commercial use) called Winspall exactly does that.

According to the developers, WINSPALL is a PC based software which computes the reflectivity of optical multilayer systems. It is based on …

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Posted on Sun 17 January 2010 in Misc • Tagged with Python

I am playing with Python for the first time. The syntax seems to be so natural. So many modules (numpy, scipy and matplotlib) for researchers/scientists. Cannot see any shortcoming at this point. Perhaps need more testing and implementation.

Radiation from an oscillating dipole

Posted on Thu 14 January 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, Matlab, Plasmonics

The electric field from an oscillating dipole is given by:, where [tex]\hat{r}[/tex] is the position vector, [tex] \omega [/tex] is the frequency of dipole oscillation, [tex]\textbf{p}[/tex] is the dipole moment. The two terms in the electric field consists of 1) near field (area near …

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Resources on Electromagnetics/Plasmonics/Nanophotonics

Posted on Tue 12 January 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with books, electromagnetism, FDTD, Free Software,, photonics, Plasmonics

These are some resources on Electromagnetics/plasmonics/nanophotonics

I will maintain a list of free resources on electromagnetics, plasmonics, nanophotonics, optics and other related topics here. If any of you (readers) know any other free resources related to this topic, please let me know and I can add into these …

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Smooth image in matlab

Posted on Sun 10 January 2010 in Misc • Tagged with graphs, Matlab

In matlab, sometimes I prefer to plot a image for mesh data instead of surf and use view(2) (view(2) gives the top view of the surface plot). However,
imagesc(x,y,z) shading 'interp'
does not work. This problem can be solved by using:
pcolor(x,y,z …

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Surface Plasmons (SP's)

Posted on Fri 08 January 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with animation, Plasmonics

[caption id="attachment_263" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Propagation of surface plasmons[/caption]

Surface plasmons (SP's) are electromagnetic waves that propagate at the interface between metals (such as Ag, Au ) and dielectric material. Here I have simulated the propagation of surface plasmons on Ag-air interface, the color indicates the magnitude of …

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