Plasmonic Materials in MEEP > 1.2

Posted on Sat 13 June 2015 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, FDTD, MEEP, octave, Plasmonics

Here is how I was implementing plasmonic materials in meep 1.1. Unlike Meep 1.1, Meep >= 1. 2 changed the way materials are defined.

Here I will describe how to change the material definition code from meep1.1 to meep 1.2 . Please note that one can still use …

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Electric field at localized plasmon resonance using MEEP

Posted on Tue 22 January 2013 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, FDTD, MEEP, Plasmonics

This article is about simulating localized plasmon resonances in metal nanospheres using MEEP package. Generally, I am interested in solving three problems in LSPR systems:

Calculate the extinction, scattering, absorption spectra of metal nanoparticle

The procedure for doing this is very similar to the method I mentioned here.

Calculating the …

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Surface plasmon dispersion relation for thin metal films

Posted on Wed 07 December 2011 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, octave, Plasmonics


A thin metal film in dielectric (also known as dielectric-metal-dielectric configuration) can support surface plasmons that are different in nature to the ones observed in thick metal-dielectric interfaces. Unlike, a single mode that is observed in thick metal film, thin metal films exhibit two types of modes for the …

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Scattering / extinction / absorption cross-sections of silver nanowires (infinite cylinders) using meep

Posted on Wed 01 June 2011 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, FDTD, MEEP, octave, photonics, Plasmonics

Particles scatter and absorb electromagnetic radiation. One often needs to compare the amount of scattering/absorption/extinction for particles of different shapes, composition, sizes and incident light properties (polarization, frequency and angle). In this regard, the concept of cross-sections comes into picture. There are three types of cross-sections, 1) scattering …

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Arbitrary 2d shapes in MEEP

Posted on Tue 10 May 2011 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, FDTD, MEEP, octave, photonics, Plasmonics

In MEEP (1.1.1), dielectric structures are often created by constructive geometry (adding and subtracting primitive shapes). The primitive shapes that are allowed are blocks, cylinders, ellipsoids and cones. To create a complex shape, one has to decompose the geometry into these primitive shapes. Over the weekend, I was …

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Plasmonic materials in MEEP

Posted on Wed 27 April 2011 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, FDTD, Free Software, Matlab, MEEP, octave, photonics, Plasmonics, SERS


The aim of this post is to share my experience in incorporating dielectric function of metals such as gold and silver into MEEP (a free finite difference time domain package) code. The incorporation is not an easy task and can be daunting for the first time user.

Metals such …

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Charge density in metal nanoparticles at plasmon resonance

Posted on Tue 23 November 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, FDTD, Free Software, photonics, Plasmonics

It is important to know the magnitude and distribution of electric field near the metallic nanoparticles at plasmon resonance. One can look at the electric field and say whether the plasmon mode is dipolar or higher order mode such as qudrapolar mode. At many times one is also interested to …

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DDSCAT and electric field at plasmon resonance

Posted on Wed 26 May 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with DDSCAT, electromagnetism, Free Software, Plasmonics

Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) is an important tool in plasmonics research. Using DDA, one can calculate scattering properties of nanoparticles at various wavelengths, polarizations and surrounding medium. The specialty of DDA is that one can calculate scattering properties of irregular shape particles (particles other than spheroids). DDA is based on …

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Nmie: Extinction, Scattering and Absorption efficiencies of multilayer nanoparticles

Posted on Tue 11 May 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, Free Software,, Plasmonics, DDSCAT

nmie tool on This tool calculates the extinction, scattering, and absorption efficiencies of single nanoparticle (1 layer),core-shell nanoparticle (2 layer) and nanomatryushka nanoparticle (3 layer) using MIE formulation.

Since 2009, I have been a regular user of www.Nanohub.orgis a website that provides …

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WINSPALL software for surface plasmon resonance experiments

Posted on Wed 10 March 2010 in Plasmonics • Tagged with electromagnetism, Free Software, photonics, Plasmonics

One needs to fit the reflectivity curves obtained in surface plasmon resonance experiments with theoretical models. A free software (for non commercial use) called Winspall exactly does that.

According to the developers, WINSPALL is a PC based software which computes the reflectivity of optical multilayer systems. It is based on …

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